HI Peaceful F&B Lotion


So, here it is. Holistic Isranfi’s own blend of soothing lotion for face & body that I chose to name ‘Peaceful Face & Body Lotion‘.. It’s my product, so I can name it whatever I like ok.. Ha ha.

This lotion was ordered by Georgia, a friend of my cousin Irma- whose blog is on my links.

I put in alot of love, time & Reiki in it.. Not to mention my beloved essential oils.. I’m not the stingiest bastard when it comes to ingredients, no no not at all!

I could probably do with a nice colourful label with everything printed and waterproof too, of course- but hey these are early times.. who knows, if I have more orders and have more profit then I can invest in that- insyaallah. Besides, handwritten labels are romantic doncha think! 🙂
I hope Georgia will enjoy this handmade & homemade goody..

This one here is quite the performer- use it as a face or body moisturiser or as an emergency product to calm & soothe irritation. The Lavender & Tea Tree in it helps with the soothing business. Orange helps to boost the lymphatic system and Frankincense & Geranium are superb in replenishing moisture and at the same time very balancing for the hormones, thus creating a very peaceful & meditative blend for one & all!

For 125ml and at $22, this is definitely a life AND money saver.. 😉