End of a beginning!


Hello all!

Yes, it’s been too long indeed. Our last post was in May 2014. Will you forgive us, please? A life is for living and that whole lotta living, loving, giving and receiving was truly done out for the last half of 2014!

Today seems an auspicious day to write. The last day of the 1st month of the new year. Holistic Isranfi wishes you a bountiful and prosperous year ahead filled with great health and excellent wealth! Amiin. We truly deserve it.

What are your goals, dreams and aspirations for this year? If it is mindfulness, better health, goodness living and loving; then WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE. Let’s make the pages meaningful and and beautiful.

(Just like Passion Planner! We have mad love for it. Heee.)

Rose Rose I Love You! (And why not?..)

Rose Rose I Love You! (And why not?..)

I have been using only Rose Damask hydrosol as my facial toner for more than a decade! Long gone are the days of choosing the various toners for my skin, comparing brands and prices and finally, after many unused bottles … Continue reading

Why is a Hot Stones massage soooo good?..

Why is a Hot Stones massage soooo good?..

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

·Promotes deep muscle and tissue relaxation
·Alleviates stress
·Releases toxins
·Relieves pain
·Improves circulation
·Calms the psyche

Health Conditions Treated with Hot Stone Massage

·Muscular aches and pains
·Back Pain
·Stress, Anxiety
·Circulatory problems

HI Peaceful F&B Lotion


So, here it is. Holistic Isranfi’s own blend of soothing lotion for face & body that I chose to name ‘Peaceful Face & Body Lotion‘.. It’s my product, so I can name it whatever I like ok.. Ha ha.

This lotion was ordered by Georgia, a friend of my cousin Irma- whose blog is on my links.

I put in alot of love, time & Reiki in it.. Not to mention my beloved essential oils.. I’m not the stingiest bastard when it comes to ingredients, no no not at all!

I could probably do with a nice colourful label with everything printed and waterproof too, of course- but hey these are early times.. who knows, if I have more orders and have more profit then I can invest in that- insyaallah. Besides, handwritten labels are romantic doncha think! 🙂
I hope Georgia will enjoy this handmade & homemade goody..

This one here is quite the performer- use it as a face or body moisturiser or as an emergency product to calm & soothe irritation. The Lavender & Tea Tree in it helps with the soothing business. Orange helps to boost the lymphatic system and Frankincense & Geranium are superb in replenishing moisture and at the same time very balancing for the hormones, thus creating a very peaceful & meditative blend for one & all!

For 125ml and at $22, this is definitely a life AND money saver.. 😉

Introduction: Holistic Isranfi’s 1st Aid

Hello again all!

One of my greatest passions have always been Aromatherapy.. My happiest & proud moments in life are many, but one was to attain ITEC & IFA Diploma in Aromatherapy. I am also certified with ITEC Diplomas in Anatomy & Physiology & Swedish Massage- although now it has been renamed Holistic Massage.

Kudos to Spa Botanica, Asia’s 1st garden spa in sponsoring me and 6 other individuals from different walks of life with the professional education and oh-my-god, 6 months long of rigorous training and mentoring by the spa industry’s well-known and esteemed trainers and mentors prior to its inception in 2002. It was a truly memorable and precious experience, one that I believe I’m very very blessed to hold forever in me.

Anyway.. Time has passed and with it too, yours truly. Branching out my overwhelming passion into sharing & training others with what knowledge I have been armed with is a natural move. I have started a series of home workshops on Aromatherapy, massages and Reiki as well at Holistic Isranfi– my therapy biz at home. Here, I’d like to add on some of my workshop notes to share with all. I believe that essential oils SHOULD be  in your 1st Aid Box too..

These 3 essential oils are what I would recommend every household to have, (especially if you have children!)

I have never preached enough about them really… Lavender, Peppermint & Tea Tree! 


Mother Nature’s wonders never cease.. I shall be inputting some simple remedies and guidelines on how to use these oils effectively. I’m also in touch with a very good supplier, so pls contact me if you need to purchase these oils or any other. 

NOTE: These are all intellectual property belonging to me, Wati Ismail of Holistic Isranfi. If you care, please feel free to share.. But please give credit where its due! Thank you very much! 🙂