Why is a Hot Stones massage soooo good?..

Why is a Hot Stones massage soooo good?..

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

·Promotes deep muscle and tissue relaxation
·Alleviates stress
·Releases toxins
·Relieves pain
·Improves circulation
·Calms the psyche

Health Conditions Treated with Hot Stone Massage

·Muscular aches and pains
·Back Pain
·Stress, Anxiety
·Circulatory problems

Surreal Sunday

Ok, so I had a terribly lazy do-nothing Sunday.

Both husband and son are sound asleep, and I’m blinking away like an idiot and still figuring out: “how on earth did I manage to have a pimple growing on my right cheek just by being home and did everything about nothing??” Surreal.

In my path to discovering stimulus for my currently sleepless and zit-nurturing self, I roamed through the net and read too much on conspiracy theories, Lil Wayne being gay (like i care), other blogs and also found Octavio Ocampo.

Now here is a man who really invites you to lean in and gives new meaning to “closer”.
You really ought to look closer and read what he is telling you. I very nearly had my eyeballs touching the screen of my Galaxy Note as I took note of all details!

His paintings are labelled “surrealism”, and I believe that it is of no coincidence that that word popped again in completing my 11/11 Sunday. Ooooh!

I will not sleep tonight if I continue getting lost in his beautiful art.. Tomorrow is another day for me to delight more.

These are 2 among many that I like:


“Mona Lisa’s Chair”: Who ISN’T fascinated by this smiling lady? If you are not, then be prepared.


“Forever Always”: Too sweet..

Here’s more. Check out his other works here.