Buzz Off Remedy


Hi again everybody!
May you be blessed with good health and prosperous abundance as we go March-ing on.. 

We are happy to produce our newest kid on the block; an item which makes us go: 
“Why didn’t this come out sooner?”
Yup. Especially in Singapore’s unkind climate and warm temperatures. It brings out more than just the worse in us.

You name it: ants, flies, roaches and lizards.. We are familiar with these usual suspects aren’t we?

Well, BUZZ OFF. Tell ’em.
Introducing Holistic Isranfi’s rookie product : BUZZ OFF REMEDY 30ML, $8

A natural bug repellent to keep the creepy crawlies away! Eliminate odours, cleanse and purify your space with natural and organic essential oils and be rid off the unwanted chemicals that do you more harm than good.

Active ingredients: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Pine, Organic Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Organic Lemon, Organic Clove and MORE!

WHATSAPP : 97349901

Holistic Isranfi at the Sunday Artists’ Market


Photo Credit: The Vault SG

I am all jazzed up about participating for the 1st time in The Vault‘s  Sunday Artists’ Market this Sunday 6th April!
I just discovered too, from the event’s creative manager that I will be the 1st holistic therapist featured in this bi-monthly affair that provides a necessary platform for handcrafted and artistic gems. Way cool! 🙂

From its Facebook events page:
6 APRIL 2014, 1PM – 6PM
“Artists Market #8
Behold the return of our beloved bi-monthly Sunday Artists Market this Sunday in the Circular Road neighbourhood we now call home, proudly featuring over 20 local artists whose craft you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. Featuring original crafts, plants, skincare, jewelry, shoes, tote bags, notebooks and opportunities to get yourself groomed and hair styled by the local community of craftsmen and women based on our island.
Of course we wouldn’t be proper hosts without adding in ice-cold beers and live music, so come on by for a swingin’ Sunday.
Artists! If you are interested to participate, please email
Music by Ramesh, Raeburn & KidG.”

I will be introducing HI’s natural & organic skincare and remedies along with extending a 20% discount off HI’s massages & facials! For massages, click here. For facials, here.

*10% of the day’s sales will be donated for the vet bills of Creampuff the Cat, a community kitty suffering from nasal tumours. Doing my bit for the fighter kitty and imploring others to do so too. Hopefully it will be a smooth path! Insyaallah.


The toughie kitty!

Rose Rose I Love You! (And why not?..)

Rose Rose I Love You! (And why not?..)

I have been using only Rose Damask hydrosol as my facial toner for more than a decade! Long gone are the days of choosing the various toners for my skin, comparing brands and prices and finally, after many unused bottles … Continue reading

When I am feeling like a (good) witch, I stir and stir and create these!

Its barely the end of January and I am all pumped up with a renewed passion. Truth is, I know I should’ve pick this up again some time ago already but oh well, the Horse year favors the movers and shakers and the get-up-and-out individuals so it is never too late.
I am truly humbled by the requests I am getting to whip up some more handcrafted skincare and personal care items from my very own cute little island kitchen. It all started with a body lotion, then a facial oil and then my son had a stubborn cough and I simply refused to use chest balms that has turpentine and other too hideous to mention ingredients on him.
So I made my own. I made a small batch enough for my son, my nephew and niece. I have yet to name it, but my cousin is adamant about calling it “sniffles balm”. He he. So it shall be, for now. The above pic is courtesy of my cousin’s order and it is a trio of blended face oil elixir, Dead Sea Mud mask with gorgeous extracts and essential oils, and the little round jar is a sample of my sniffles balm that I gave away. All these products were blended with much love and Reiki-ed too. 🙂
So it turned out my aunt kidnapped the balm away from my cousin to nurse her respiratory issues. So that worked out well! Ha ha.
I am receiving a few interested enquiries too, from other circle of acquaintances on Facebook so I am really psyched. A colleague is requesting 1 kilo worth of the sniffles balm because her whole family is dependent on chest balms from the popular company that begins with the letter ‘V’! A kilo! Yikes. 🙂
Coming up, a special batch for one of my bestie’s (I have 2 Aquarian best buds) *20th* birthday! (No, she is not 20 years old, I am just being kind) Woohooo. She doesn’t know this yet, will meet her later. It IS her birthday today, and she deserve some goodness gracious lovely products! Hope to get good pics and testimonials from her later!
